Amorino n/a

1 reviews
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Building 11, Dubai Design District

Desserts, Coffee and Tea

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1 reviews mention for “Amorino”
Ivan I.

 0 friends

 46 reviews

A small ice cream parlor and a cafe. A great place and known for their craft, a rose shaped gelato freshly served any time of the day. The ice cream is just too pretty you can't really eat it first without taking a picture of it.

They will give you three options of the ice cream, which is great! Who can't say no to different kind of flavors in one ice cream? I chose Hazelnut, Strawberry and Tiramisu and it tasted so delicious. Never thought those three flavors would go together real nice.

The staff was patient, at the same time. She was helpful when choosing the flavors. When I finally decided my combo, I watched her create the infamous rose shaped gelato. It is a thing of beauty made by her skillful hands.

Highly recommended for an ice cream parlor with a twist.

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